Finance Dashboard Redesign Demonstration – January 31, at 3:00 pm

The Finance Dashboard Redesign Committee is excited to share the launch of the redesigned Finance Dashboard that will improve your experience and streamline financial reporting. The committee has been testing the dashboard for several weeks and think you will appreciate their favorite new features:

  • Faster response time and smoother navigation
  • Ability to view and filter on the Full Chart String or individual segments
  • Classification has been added to the table and filter options
  • Drill-down capabilities take you directly to details of the expenses
  • Updated CoA hierarchy makes it easy to view remaining budget in Supplies and Expenses categories separate from Salaries and Wages.


Crystal Davis will host a webinar to preview the faster and enhanced design on Wednesday, January 31, at 3:00 pm.  After you attend or view the recording of the webinar, which will be posted on the iOEvolutiOn website, sign up for a hands-on workshop February 12 – 16 or in mid-March.  All details can be found on the iO EvolutiOn events page.