P2P Office Hours: Understanding Procurement Encumbrances
Presentation: May 4th from 11 –12 pm **NEW TIME**
Q&A Session only: May 9th from 10 –11 am
For greatest benefit attend the May 4th office hours or view the recording as content will not be repeated. A recording of the May 4th Office Hours will be posted on the training catalog (https://imagineone.rice.edu/training-catalog) on May 5th.
(Search: P2P Office Hours)
Zoom Link for both sessions: https://riceuniversity.zoom.us/j/94054673300?pwd=NXc3SnFjeE90V3V0OFJiMVFsSnNpdz09
Password: 039418
Office Hour Prerequisites:
Understanding Procurement Encumbrances is an advanced discussion and builds on knowledge presented in previous sessions. Complete the following prior to attending the May 4thP2P office hours for greater understanding.
eLearning in iO (How to Navigate to the Learning Module Job Aid
• Introduction to Financial Management at Rice
eLearning in Canvas (email your netid to imagineone.rice.edu to request enrollment)
• Introduction to P2P (iO P2P training)
P2P Dashboard Office Hour Recordings
Also, located at imagineOne.rice.edu/training-catalog, search P2P Office Hours
• Procurement Tab March 9, 2023
• Expense Tab March 15, 2023